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Letter to the Editor on Abortion





Understand differing opinions on beginning of life

Instead of calling each other names when it comes to discussing abortion, we ought to understand why people believe differently about it.

One belief says life begins at conception.  Though all science agrees with this view, most importantly, it is rooted in Scripture—“the babe leaped in my womb for joy” (Lk 1:44), etc.  Those of this worldview see that tiny person at conception as human life and therefore steer clear of abortion and the “morning after” pill.

A second view grows out of Common Law.  It held that there was not another person until the mother felt movement in her womb, referred to as “quickening.”  If an expectant mother was unlawfully killed prior to quickening, only one person was legally considered as murdered; after quickening, two persons were recognized as murdered.

A third view says a person does not exist until a baby takes its first breath.  This is founded upon that special and only recorded case at the beginning of the Bible where God created the first man, Adam, and breathed into that adult the original breath of life.

In summary, the labels “pro-life” and “pro-abortion” do not fairly describe the differing viewpoints.  For example, in the eyes of those who favor abortion, the destruction of the baby before quickening or before his first breath is not the same as infanticide.  They do not think life as tiny as its beginning can be a human being, therefore, it doesn’t make sense to them to say the morning-after pill kills a child.

And with the first view, the Bible says killing innocent life is murder, so they believe accordingly.

By James L. Leichty


You may want to consider sending the above 270-word article (not including its title or author identification) to your local newspaper as a “Letter to the Editor.”  You are free to copy it as long as the intent remains solidly intact.  I do not know what your local newspapers are like, but some of ours remove out all but brief Scripture quotations.  That is the reason little or no Scripture is directly quoted in this type of letter.  Add more Scripture if they will publish it.

To use it as a Letter to the Editor, select the text of the above article with your cursor, copy it, paste it in your word processor, and then e-mail or mail it to you local newspaper editor.  Your local newspaper’s e-mail address for letters to the editor should be listed in that newspaper, usually on the page on which those letters appear.


The facts in the above letter are documented, and that documentation is available upon request.



˜ A deceptive pro-abortion bumper sticker says, “IF YOU CAN’T TRUST ME WITH A CHOICE, HOW CAN YOU TRUST ME WITH A CHILD?

Answer:  Having an abortion is not a simple, innocent and legitimate option like choosing between carrots or celery for lunch.  Abortion is very morally wrong just like rape or murder, and so having an abortion is not an option.

˜ Another deceptive pro-abortion bumper sticker says, “AGAINST ABORTION? DON’T HAVE ONE!

Answer:  (Same answer as above.)  Having an abortion is not a simple, innocent and legitimate option like choosing between carrots or celery for lunch.  Abortion is very morally wrong just like rape or murder, and so having an abortion is not an option.

˜ A common leading and decep­tive pro-abortion “ques­tion” is the following: But isn’t abortion OK in case of incest or rape? (Or if it is deformed or unwanted?)

Answer: Would any of these situations give us reason to kill a newborn?  Of course not.


Abortion is a poisonous rattlesnake that’s gotten loose in our house ["Christian" America].  We need to find that snake and chop its head off.


 The Laodicean Church Age and its doctored bibles have helped birth twin freaks—abortion and evolution.







     These are pictures of victims of modern-day death camps. May God take these abortion clinics, which are enclosed killing fields, and turn them into places that promote eternal life through the Gospel of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.

     For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

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